What to Know About Plants and Your Health

KJ Martin
 | Published: 
January 2, 2023
 | Category: 
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What to Know About Plants and Your Health

Here’s a fun experiment to start the new year: Get a few houseplants and see if they make you feel better.

There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence — and some weak scientific evidence — that indoor greenery may improve your mental and physical health.

Interested in what effects plants could have? Here are some common houseplant hypotheses.

Lower Stress Levels

There’s nothing like a peaceful walk in the park to take a break from the grind and boost your mood. But indoor plants might be the next best thing since we can’t always get outside due to weather, physical limitations or location.

A finicky plant could add more stress to your life, though. Choose one that’s easy to care for — perhaps a snake plant, aloe vera or pothos.

Boost the Immune System

The soil your potted plant grows in might sneakily nourish you. But how?

Your intestinal tract contains microorganisms that keep you healthy, and increasing the diversity of those microorganisms may be a key to better well-being. It’s possible that more contact with soil (which modern city-dwellers are often lacking) could be good for you. Scientists are researching this and other hypotheses as part of the Human Microbiome Project.

Create Cleaner Air

You probably learned in school that plants clean the air through photosynthesis and respiration. This process may somewhat improve air quality indoors, depending on the pollutant.

But the number of plants you’d need to reduce volatile organic compounds in your home would require you to turn it into a nursery. If indoor air quality is a concern, consider an artificial air purifier.

Do you have questions about your health or life insurance? Reach out anytime.