Five Hacks for Staying Active in Winter

KJ Martin
 | Published: 
February 5, 2024
 | Category: 
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5 Hacks for Staying Active in Winter

Winter can be a challenging time either to keep up your workout routine or to start a new one. Shorter days and colder weather make outside exercise less enticing, not to mention needing to fight the urge to stay cozy on your couch.

Need a little help to get moving? Here are five strategies to consider for your workout routine in the winter.

1. Elevate your outerwear.

With the right gear, spending time outside on a cold day can be surprisingly pleasant. Items like waterproof shoes, merino wool socks, sweat-wicking base layers and rechargeable hand warmers can make it more fun to walk in windy or snowy weather.

2. Try a new activity — or stick with what’s familiar.

Bored with the usual workout routine? Maybe something new—like functional fitness or tap dancing—would motivate you. But if trying a new activity seems intimidating, make it easier to get going by picking an exercise you’re familiar with or good at, perhaps like spinning or yoga.

3. Make a commitment.

Whether it’s a class, a trainer, a local group or a reliable friend, committing to showing up at a certain day and time can help you meet your movement goals. Being consistent with an activity like this also gives you the chance to socialize—just one more way to boost your mood on gray, gloomy days.

4. Sleep in your workout clothes.

Working out first thing in the morning is a great way to make it a priority, but who wants to change out of warm PJs into ice-cold workout clothes? Try sleeping in them—no one else will know.

5. Lower your standards.

Yes, a brisk 30-minute walk might be ideal. But if the weather or your mood makes that activity totally unappealing, choose something that seems manageable instead, like five minutes of band exercises in your bedroom.

Did you know your health insurance policy may offer benefits such as physical therapy to help you stay active? Reach out if you have any questions about your coverage.